Native Plant Hedgerows for Native Pollinators

Hedgerows on farms provide an ideal opportunity for increasing the abundance of native plants that support native pollinators in rural areas. Native pollinators are important for wild land native plants, as well as agricultural crops adjacent to the hedgerows.

Many Whatcom County native plants support native pollinators. This project recommends planting of multiple shrubs that provide a continuous supply of pollen and nectar throughout the pollination season and that are hardy enough to survive hedgerow conditions without burdensome maintenance. 

The Conservation Committee is currently working with Bow Hill Blueberry Farm to install a native plant demonstration site adjacent to their organic blueberry bushes. Educational information will be provided at the site. Monitoring in future years will document the attractiveness of the plants to pollinators and potential benefits to the blueberry crop.

Three generations of farmers & volunteers planting a hedgerow at Bow Hill Blueberries

Recommended Native Plants for Hedgerows

Scientific NameCommon NameHeight (ft)SoilsShade Tol.BB Pref.
Oemleria cerasiformisOsoberry6-8mesicSu, PS, Sh5
Rubus spectabilisSalmonberry5-7wet-mesicSu, PS, Sh10
Ribes sanguineumRed-flowering Currant4-8mesic-drySu, PS7
Lonicera involucrataBlack Twinberry5-7wetPS7
Rubus parviflorusThimbleberry3-5mesicSu, PS7
Rosa nutkanaNootka Rose4-6wet-drySu5
Symphoricarpos albusSnowberry3-4mesicSu, PS9
Spiraea douglasiiHardhack5-7wetSu6

If you are interested in native plant hedgerows in Whatcom County, contact Jim Davis (jimdaviscpc at comcast dot net) for more information.