Saturday, February 10th, 9am – 12pm
This Field Trip is now full. Please do not attend unless you have already confirmed your attendance with Allan Richardson. Thank you for your understanding!

Join us for a winter walk led by Abe Lloyd and Allan Richardson! This field trip will emphasize identification of deciduous trees and shrubs based on their twigs and buds (copies of a key will be provided). There is a diverse assortment of native and some non-native plants along the trail, including a dry stretch with native oak trees. Bring a hand lens (if you have one), snacks, and dress for the weather. Contact Allan Richardson at 360-305-5270 or asrichardson5 (at) gmail (dot) com to confirm.
Meet at 9:00 am at the North Lake Whatcom Park lower trailhead by the lake shore at the very end of Northshore Road (not at the usual main trailhead that comes first).
Photo of Sambucus racemosa by Abe Lloyd.