Volunteers Needed for Whatcom Conservation District Native Plant Sale – March 16th!

The Whatcom Conservation District is seeking volunteers for this year’s Native Plant Sale held at Pioneer Park in Ferndale on Saturday March 16th!

Please consider contributing to this important annual event. This is a terrific way to exercise your knowledge and advocate for native plants! WNPS members have been an invaluable asset to the event in the past, bringing their knowledge of native plants to help community members select the right plants for their needs, sharing planting advice and ethnobotanical information, and more!

Volunteers are needed on the day of the sale as greeters, bare root helpers, pre- and post-checkout customer assistance, and clean up. The greatest need for volunteers is early in the day on Saturday, the busiest time for the sale.

See the Whatcom Conservation District flier below for more details and contact plantsale@whatcomcd.org to sign up with your name, contact information, and availability. To learn more about the native plant sale go to: https://www.whatcomcd.org/native-plant-sale.