Chapter members may be interested in joining the following seminar focused on an important native plant, seagrass! Open to all, the seminar will be presented on Zoom by the Biology Department at WWU this upcoming Wednesday, January 24th, at 4pm. Details and Zoom link below!
“Ecological consequences of climate & communities on seagrass wasting disease dynamics” presented by Olivia Graham, PhD, Cornell University
About the seminar: Olivia J. Graham is a marine disease ecologist and Postdoctoral Research Associate at Cornell University. For her dissertation research, she studied seagrass wasting disease dynamics in eelgrass (Zostera marina), specifically looking at biological (herbivores, microbiome, host genetics) and environmental (ocean temperatures, salinity) drivers of disease in eelgrass meadows throughout the Northeast Pacific.
She is passionate about communicating and leveraging science to help inform the conservation and management of coastal ecosystems, especially in light of rapid climate change, and about mentoring and supporting the next generation of scientists.
For disability accommodation, please contact the Biology Department, 360-650-3627 or email at biology@wwu.edu
Zoom Link: https://wwu-edu.zoom.us/j/98080351166?pwd=aE01V29mRzFuMXBobHlqNzE4b0hLUT09
Meeting ID: 980 8035 1166
Passcode: 377803